
Toys World

Gütersloh, Germany


Friendly family paradise

A world of toys comes back to life again: "Toys World" in the Güterloh industrial estate needed and received a facelift as regards the lighting system. The presentation of children's toys so far on an area of 1000 square metres  had seen better days. The new lighting concept  contains a combination of wide-area and accentuated lighting in reduced design and introduces excitement and dynamism into the children's world.

Gütersloh, Germany




1000 m²


Bright, friendly, atmospheric – a good place for children and families: LIGHTPANELs bring about homogeneous and at the same time high-quality illumination of the assortment aisles. In the combination with the LOBU and BONEO spotlights of the latest generation the desired harmonious mixture of accented and ambient lighting for toys and theme islands. Plus point: the good energy efficiency of the luminaires ensures a quick amortisation of the costs.

Children need harmonious lighting and rooms full of excitement  - the new lighting has awakened our Toys World to new life.

Toni Schumacher, Managing Director 

A magnetic effect radiates from the shop window with its new scene-setting: BONEO spotlights also mounted on the vertical power track, attract attention to highlights for boys and girls. With LiveLink the lighting can be dimmed in the case of strong sunlight. In that way, Toys World always remains an attractive eyecatcher already from the car park of then industrial estate makes you look forward more to the shopping and rummaging+E121 experience. 

The white accent spotlights provide clarity and orientation for all presentations. Small and grown-up customers find their way around quickly. Whether Lillyfee or Lego, whether cool technical toys or emotional dream worlds: the powerful LED luminaires show the play worlds in the authentic look. Thanks to its outstanding tilting characteristics LOBU can be aligned in an optimum way and seasonally to the assortment, but at the same time shows restraint in its design.

More references

Rhine Reef, Düsseldorf

Surfing the wave: Under the roof - and under wirelessly controlled light

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Weinheim, Germany

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Oktalite Lichttechnik GmbH
Mathias-Brüggen-Straße 73
50829 Cologne


+49 221 59767-0

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„Special Mention“ in the categories „Excellent Brands - Corporate Brand of the Year“ and Excellent Brands - Building & Elements“